Since ISHCCO was founded in 2003 it has been working on the development of such a catalogue of criteria for the promotion and acceptance of qualification framework of Safety and Health Construction Coordinators (SHCC) the ISHCCO Qualification Framework (IQF). The IQF was initially published 2017 at the Congress A plus A, Dusseldorf. This framework should meet the European and national requirements for those engaged in the activity as Safety and Health Construction Coordinators and, as well, international requirements. IQF should enable benchmarking based on technical standards, on international and national criteria.
For these reasons the decision was made to deduce quality criteria from the European legislation and from respective national implementations and support these with already established professional and international standards of the European Qualification Framework (EQF). The EQF is based on the idea of lifelong learning as central thought and builds on the basis of eight levels as a comparative framework. The qualification framework is passed on the three criteria: knowledge, skills and attitudes referring to the individual qualifications. The EQF enables, irrespective of autonomous, institutional or informal learning, a comparability of qualifications of an individual (IQF to an individual SHCC).
The ISHCCO Qualification Framework (IQF) based on specific criteria for SHCC and places these in relation with the requirements and tasks of related EU directives and of national regulations and with EQF. In this detailed work the existing and accepted criteria from the area of SHCC professionals were examined and compared with the contents of the European Directive 92/57 EU that defines the SHC minimum requirements. The types of projects considered in the IQF include requirements for simple projects, medium building construction and civil engineering projects and highly specialized construction projects or major projects. IQF complies with the EQF requirements at an international level to provide a system for the individuals to be accepted as Safety and Health Construction Coordinators by institutions, companies, educational and training organizations in Europe and rest of the world.
The foundation members saw the objective of the association as the protection of the safety and health of all the contributors to a building project.
In cooperation with the representatives of the various member countries ISHCCO issues recommendations to improve the training of the coordinators within the given legal framework.
ISHCCO attaches great importance to the harmonization of its training program (and ongoing refresher courses) for health and safety coordinators and supports them with appropriate technical means, applicable to all of Europe.