International Safety and Health Construction Coordinators Organization (ISHCCO)

Throughout Europe prevention and coordination of safety measures have been regulated by EU directives and most EU countries have transposed these directives into their national legislation, regulations and guidelines. A substantial part of these legal texts deal with the coordination of safety and health measures in construction work. ISHCCO know-how, its global training standard and information material on the practical application of the legal texts is of great assistance to the national associations of planning, safety and health coordinators. This will be conducive to cross border activities and consultations between European coordinators and will create the necessary legal protection in the planning, construction, maintenance and deconstruction of buildings and sites.

Our Services


The foundation members saw the objective of the association as the protection of the safety and health of all the contributors to a building project


In cooperation with the representatives of the various member countries ISHCCO issues recommendations to improve the training of the coordinators within the given legal framework.


ISHCCO attaches great importance to the harmonization of its training program (and ongoing refresher courses) for health and safety coordinators and supports them with appropriate technical means, applicable to all of Europe.

Our Sponsor


Our Members

Members ISHCCO (International Safety and Health Construction Coordinators Organization) are from different combinations of health and safety coordinators of the member countries of the EU and, indirectly, all their members. According to the latest survey, currently ISHCCO defend the interests of over 50,000 coordinators in at least 10 European countries.


Our Partners

We are interested in cooperation and partnership that can contribute to the improvement of safety and health and professions dealing in this area of interest.

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